Pigment Enhancement Formula is a Carotenoid Supplement designed to enhance the diet of Reptiles, Fish, Amphibians and Birds.
INFORMATION: Contains a “broad spectrum” of Carotenoids including, but not limited to: Astaxanthin, Capsanthin, Capsorubin, Apsorubin, Beta-Carotene, Alpha Carotene, Beta Cryptoxanthin, Zeaxanthin, Neoaxanthin, Cucurbitaxanthin, Violaxanthin, Lutein, Echineone, Canthaxanthin and Lycopene.
INGREDIENTS: Calendula Flower, Pfaffia Rhodozyma Yeast, Paprika, Marigold Flower, Algae Meal, (Chlorella) Rosehips, Hibiscus Flower, Turmeric.